Looking to get your sweat on during the winter months? Or perhaps enjoy a fun activity that gets you out of the house?
Tie up your shoelaces and check out the Active Wyndham Calendar, which promotes upcoming free and low-cost physical activity sessions across Wyndham.
Wyndham City Active City portfolio holder Cr Peter Maynard said the calendar included everything from seniors’ exercise classes to women’s-only and men’s-only activities, dance classes and more.
“These activities are tailored for most abilities, experiences and fitness levels, so you’re sure to find something that’s right for you,” Cr Maynard said.
“The Active Wyndham Calendar is also a great opportunity for Wyndham sporting clubs and fitness providers to promote their programs and services directly to the local community.”
Cr Maynard said the calendar was a key part of the new Active Wyndham initiative, which aims to make it easier for Wyndham residents to regularly participate in physical activity.
“Australian physical activity guidelines recommend adults achieve 150 minutes of moderate intensity, or 75 minutes of vigorous intensity physical activity each week however, more than half of all Wyndham adults fail to meet physical activity guidelines.”
“Through Active Wyndham, Council will deliver a range of free and low cost programs that help people of all ages and abilities get active – whether that be in public open spaces, at sporting and fitness facilities or at home,” Cr Maynard said.
See what’s on at www.wyndham.vic.gov.au/activewyndhamcalendar