Snowy Monaro Regional Council held a citizenship ceremony at the Cooma Council Chambers on Thursday 24 June 2021 to mark National Refugee Week and reflect on the contributions of migrants to the region.

Presided over by Mayor Peter Beer, the event saw ten local residents receive their citizenship. The Mayor spoke of the importance of migrants to the modern history of the Snowy Monaro, from the original Snowy Hydro Scheme to the present day.

The event was well-attended by Councillors, as well as friends and family of the new Australians.

“Our region has one of the longest-running traditions of multiculturalism in Australia,” said Mayor Peter Beer, Snowy Monaro Regional Council.

“As a large and diverse area that is the home of four Aboriginal peoples – the Ngarigo, Walgalu, Ngunnawal and Bidhawal – the Snowy Monaro has been a place of many different cultures from the very beginning, through gold rushes and the original Snowy Hydro project, right up till the present day.”

The evening began with an address from the Mayor, followed by a statement from Alex Hawke, Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs. The new citizens then recited the citizenship pledge.

Following the pledge, the Mayor presented the conferees with their citizenship certificates and a small gift of welcome.

It was particularly special for one young conferee, as he celebrated his birthday on the same day he received his Australian citizenship.

Council would like to extend its congratulations and a warm welcome to our new citizens.

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