Snowy Monaro Regional Council is transitioning to a new ePlanning platform for all development applications, post consent certificates and private certifier certificate lodgement, as of Thursday 1 July 2021.

The new system is a mandate of the NSW State Government and will make the entire development, approvals and tracking process quicker and easier for everyone. Moving to a fully integrated one-stop-shop means that community concerns about ease of access to planning information and decisions are addressed and that the entire process will be faster and easier than ever before.

Over the last few months Council has been working with the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment and we are pleased to announce that this service will be available from this week in our region. Council can now receive the following application types through the portal: • Development Applications • Modifications Applications (s4.55) • Review of Determination • Construction Certificates • Subdivision Works Certificates • Occupation Certificates • Subdivision Certificates • Private Certifier issued certificates

“By taking advantage of this digital planning system designed and maintained by the state government, we can take advantage of a world-class platform while incurring almost none of the implementation cost,” said Mayor Peter Beer, Snowy Monaro Regional Council.

“Council has been looking for ways to modernise and speed up the planning process for our residents and businesses, but the costs and IT resources required to get a new system up and running have been prohibitive.”

“We are proud to be partnering with NSW State Government to bring this world-class system to the people of the Snowy Monaro.”

Any applications or certificates lodged through the current process prior to Thursday 1 July 2021 will proceed through those outgoing processes. Members of the public with planning matters already submitted to Council are encouraged to reach out if they have any questions or concerns.

To access the new ePlanning portal, learn more about this new system, or to contact Service NSW for queries and assistance – please visit or call 1300 305 695. Anyone requiring any assistance with planning matters or the new system can also contact Council on 1300 345 345 or [email protected]

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