At a meeting in Cooma on Monday 28 June 2021, Snowy Monaro Regional Council voted to support the adoption of the 2021-22 Annual Rates and Charges.

The successful vote means that Council will meet the state government deadline of 1 July 2021 to set a harmonised rating structure, concluding an extended period of public consultation and debate on the subject.

The 2021-22 Rates and Charges motion passed unanimously, with three Councillors absent.

“The successful passage of the 2021-22 Rates and Charges by Council at the extraordinary meeting on Monday night is a testament to the strength of our democracy here in the Snowy Monaro,” said Mayor Peter Beer, Snowy Monaro Regional Council.

Community input once again proved invaluable to the process with the rating structure ultimately adopted by Council utilising some elements of a public submission. By adopting this model Council has demonstrated its commitment to community consultation and respecting the will of the people.

“This vote shows that when the community speaks, we listen and we act,” said Mayor Beer.

Snowy Monaro ratepayers are encouraged to visit and enter their rate assessment number. This calculator will show how the newly adopted model will impact their rates assessment.

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