Council’s Operational Plan for the coming year was passed by a vote at the Council meeting in Cooma on Monday 28 June 2021.

Every year Council is required to formalise its priorities and plans for the coming twelve-month period and have this plan ratified by sitting Councillors. This major document passed a majority vote at Monday’s meeting following a period of public consultation.

Major initiatives identified in the plan include upgrades for Bombala and Delegate water and wastewater infrastructure, Jindabyne Shared Trail, Cooma Sports Hub, Michelago Masterplan, Adaminaby Water Treatment Plant, and upgrades to Bobeyan Road.

Two Councillors expressed concern about an apparent reduction in the road maintenance budget, but it was clarified that the reduction listed reflects a change in the funding source for this crucial Council function. The portion of funding in question will be drawn from a combination of NSW State Government grant funding and Council’s capital works budget.

The Operational Plan itself is made up of a number of documents including 2022 Fees and Charges, 2022 Statement of Revenue Policy, 2022 Capital Works Program and 2022 Operational Budget.

Council wishes to extend its thanks to all community members that participated in the public consultation on the Draft Operational Plan. Your feedback played a valuable role in determining the final document.

The full 2021/22 Operational Plan will now be finalised and made available to the public on Council’s website via the below link.

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