The latest round of Snowy Monaro Regional Council’s Donations & Sponsorships funding has been decided on and approved at a Council meeting on Monday 28 June 2021, securing tens of thousands of dollars in funding for community organisations.

Specifically targeting groups and organisations that are underserved by state and federal government grant programs, Council’s Donations & Sponsorships program is a major supporter of grassroots locally-focused and locally run initiatives.

“It is a privilege of our job as Councillors to be able to offer support for so many deserving events, projects and organisations working to support and enrich our community here in the Snowy Monaro,” said Mayor Peter Beer, Snowy Monaro Regional Council.

“I’d like to extend my congratulations to the recipients on their successful applications, and encourage anyone who has a local community-minded project that needs support to look out for the next application period.”

Recipients of this round of funding include the Monaro Early Intervention Service for facility upgrades, The Community Chest Inc for funding Christmas Hampers to local residents in need, The Shepherd Centre for financial assistance to support the parents of hearing-impaired children, among many others.

The full list of recipients will be finalised and published on Council’s website later this week.

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