Snowy Monaro Regional Council last week concluded a series of information sessions across the region for community members considering running in the September 2021 local government elections.

The in-person sessions in Bombala, Cooma and Jindabyne were hosted by Council’s Chief Executive Officer, Peter Bascomb, and were complemented by an online session for maximum accessibility.

Council’s CEO has decades of local government experience and has an understanding of the policies, procedure and protocols that is matched by very few people. His wealth of knowledge and experience offered valuable insight and information for the attendees – as the life of a Councillor and candidate are not as straight forward as they may seem from the outside.

“It was exciting to see such a diverse and enthusiastic mix of people attending Council’s election information sessions,” said Mayor Peter Beer, Snowy Monaro Regional Council.

“These are the passionate and motivated people local government needs if our democracy is to continue thriving and serving the people of the Snowy Monaro successfully into the future.”

“Regardless of drive and inspiration, however, it is critically important that any candidate fully understands the scale and scope of commitment they’ll have to make in order to serve as a Councillor. I am grateful to Mr. Bascomb for his efforts to educate our prospective candidates.” Beyond the in person sessions which have now concluded, there are online sessions ongoing.

For those interested, but who were unable to attend the events in Bombala, Cooma, Jindabyne or the online Zoom session – the NSW Electoral Commission is also running online seminars for prospective candidates, which began in May and will continue until August. For more information please visit

The NSW Office of Local Government also offers resources for those thinking of running for a seat on Council:

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