Snowy Monaro kids from kindy to year 6 are encouraged to sign up for Snowy Monaro Regional Library’s Winter Reading Club Challenge – a fun activity for kids to encourage literacy skills, a love of reading and initiative in finding great books to read.

This year the theme is “Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds” and the three reading lists for year groups K-2, 3-4 and 5-6 will guide bookworms through a journey of learning, adventure, fantasy and discovery.

Entry forms may be collected from Cooma Library, Bombala Library, the Snowy Monaro Mobile Library and the Snowy Mountains Neighbourhood Centre in Jindabyne. All returned forms go into the draw to win a Lenovo Tab M8 Android tablet.

As part of the Winter Reading Club this year, Snowy Monaro Regional Library is also running a kids’ drawing competition: draw your favourite animal in the world, real or imaginary. Entries into the drawing competition will be displayed in each library and there are a whole host of book prizes to be won.

Entries into both the reading and drawing competitions are due by Friday 13 August 2021.

For more information contact Snowy Monaro Regional Library at [email protected] or call your local branch – Cooma (02) 6451 1630 and Bombala (02) 6458 3196.

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