The Australian Federal government has unveiled a new program of grant funding for community organisations, businesses and Councils in areas affected by bushfires, and Snowy Monaro Regional Council urges local organisations to apply.

Applications for the Black Summer Bushfire Recovery Grants Program (BSBR) are open from Thursday 22 July 2021 until Thursday 2 September 2021 with $276 million available across three years – 2021 to 2024.

Delivered through the National Recovery and Resilience Agency, support and assistance in accessing funding and navigating the application process is being made available with: •An in-person workshop planned for Cooma Ex-Services Club, Wednesday 28 July 2021 from 1pm to 3pm •Webinars (dates available from Friday 16 July through Thursday 5 August 2021) •Online learning and education resources (available 24/7) •One-on-one information sessions Updates on the above will be posted on Council’s Facebook page and website.

Successful funding amounts will range from $20,000 to $10 million, with successful applications announced by the end of 2021. Funded projects funded under these grants must be completed by 31 March 2024.

Projects need to directly address the recovery and/or resilience of communities affected by the Black Summer bushfires, be located in an eligible area (such as Snowy Monaro) and must have community support. The National Recovery and Resilience Agency is delivering this program in collaboration with the Business Grants Hub.

As this is the final round of Bushfire Recovery funding, Council wants to work together with our community to achieve the best possible recovery and resilience outcomes. Therefore, Council asks the community to work with us in coordinating BSBR applications, so as a region we: •do not duplicate existing recovery projects or new applications; •address as many future community resilience needs as possible; •get the best value for money with the limited $4.5mil budget allocation; and •can provide well considered letters of support for eligible projects

For more information and full details of the criteria and available funding, visit or call 13 28 46.

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