Following its closure, earlier this month due to the discovery of syringes the Delegate Bin Enclosure will be reopening from Tuesday 3 August 2021 for domestic waste and recyclables.

Users of the facility are reminded that waste and recyclables must be placed in the appropriate bins. All other materials such as mattresses, white goods, scrap metals, and paints need to be disposed of at the Delegate Transfer Station during opening hours, or taken to Bombala Landfill.

“Following a difficult and complex clean-up, Council has made the decision to reopen the Delegate Bin Enclosure for the benefit of the community,” said Mayor Peter Beer, Snowy Monaro Regional Council.

“We know that almost everyone that uses this facility values it and does the right thing, but Council was forced to temporarily close the service to ensure it could be made safe for our team members and the community.”

“I’d like to extend my gratitude to the workers for their hard work in sorting out the site, and to the Delegate community for their patience,” said Mayor Beer.

Council will be monitoring the facility closely following reopening next week. Any indication of further illegal dumping and misuse may result in the facility being closed to the public again due to safety concerns.

It is important to note that this bin enclosure is a legacy facility provided at no fee to the community and that while it may appear similar to new Bank of Bins installations currently rolling out across the Snowy Monaro, the two are fundamentally different.

Bin enclosures are unstaffed, unmonitored and are regularly misused.

Banks of Bins are locked and secured, with access granted by key to those who opt-in and pay to use the service. Every aspect of a Bank of Bins, from the location to the design of the construction materials, means that these newer facilities are not misused in the same way – or anywhere near the same rate – as the older facilities such as is seen in Delegate.

Users of the facility and members of the broader Delegate community are encouraged to report any misuse or illegal dumping. Council relies on its partners in the community to keep these facilities safe for everyone’s benefit.

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