30 Jul 2021 All suburbs Airds, Ambarvale, Bardia, Blair Athol, Blairmount, Bow Bowing, Bradbury, Campbelltown, Claymore, Denham Court, Eagle Vale, Englorie Park, Eschol Park, Gilead, Glen Alpine, Glenfield, Gregory Hills, Holsworthy, Ingleburn, Kearns, Kentlyn, Leumeah, Long Point, Macquarie Fields, Macquarie Links, Menangle Park, Minto, Minto Heights, Mount Annan, Raby, Rosemeadow, Ruse, St Andrews, St Helens Park, Varroville, Wedderburn, Woodbine, Woronora Dam, Outside LGA,

Campbelltown residents are being encouraged to share their local knowledge and participate in the Campbelltown Southern Catchments Flood Study.

The study covers the Mansfield Creek and Spring Creek catchments leading into the Georges River, and includes sections of Airds, Ambarvale, Bradbury, Rosemeadow and St Helens Park.

It aims to capture local flooding information such as floodwater depths, locations and speed so that Council can improve its understanding of flooding in the catchment.

Residents can now fill out an online questionnaire to help Council gather valuable historical data about flooding in the area.

“Flood modelling is an important resource for emergency services and for Council when assessing the need for flood mitigation measures or making future planning decisions,” Mayor George Brticevic.

“There is a wealth of local knowledge in our community, particularly among long-term residents, so I encourage you to complete the questionnaire and share your experiences and any photos or videos from past flooding events,” Cr Brticevic said.

The questionnaire is open until Friday 27 August.

Campbelltown residents are being encouraged to share their local knowledge and participate in the Campbelltown Southern Catchments Flood Study.

The study covers the Mansfield Creek and Spring Creek catchments leading into the Georges River, and includes sections of Airds, Ambarvale, Bradbury, Rosemeadow and St Helens Park.

It aims to capture local flooding information such as floodwater depths, locations and speed so that Council can improve its understanding of flooding in the catchment.

Residents can now fill out an online questionnaire to help Council gather valuable historical data about flooding in the area.

“Flood modelling is an important resource for emergency services and for Council when assessing the need for flood mitigation measures or making future planning decisions,” Mayor George Brticevic.

“There is a wealth of local knowledge in our community, particularly among long-term residents, so I encourage you to complete the questionnaire and share your experiences and any photos or videos from past flooding events,” Cr Brticevic said.

The questionnaire is open until Friday 27 August.

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