Council is reminding all residents there is still time to have their say in the second stage of the Michelago Masterplan consultation. The final consultation survey is open for responses until Monday 16 August 2021.

Several months into the second stage of the Michelago Masterplan consultation, Council has received more than 150 written responses from residents and heard from many more through a series of drop-in consultation stalls.

The draft Masterplan on exhibition is itself a product of earlier community consultation, assembled from an amalgamation of the two most popular growth scenarios in the first stages of the consultation on this project.

The project began with background studies and a preliminary online survey, progressed through a series of workshops, then to the public exhibition of scenario options, and is now at the final consultative stage before being presented to Councillors for deliberation and adoption.

Support for the draft Masterplan has so far been strong, with community members telling us that above all else they want the unique rural village character of Michelago to be preserved and protected as the community grows over the next twenty years.

The major points integrated into the draft Masterplan based on public feedback are: •Preference for 152 additional residents in 53 new buildings •Preference for single detached dwellings •Less support for reticulated water and sewer services in Michelago •Objection to an increase in fees and charges to expand water services •Priority to upgrading local roads •Priority to improving walking and running trails. •Residents strongly value the rural character, natural landscape and sense of community in Michelago •Residents want to see the town centre developed and existing facilities upgraded while maintaining the rural village ambience of Michelago •Vacant heritage buildings should be utilised for inclusive services such as hospitality, events, museums, galleries and small businesses •Improvements need to be made to existing recreational facilities and new facilities established •Economic growth, preservation of local character and protection of heritage features should be the top three priorities that underpin the Masterplan •Above all else, any future development must be appropriate in both density and scale to avoid over development of the town

To have your say on the future of Michelago, visit before the survey closes on Monday 16 August 2021.

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