As of Thursday 1 July 2021, lodgement of all development and building applications in the Snowy Monaro Regional Council is now completed online through the NSW Planning Portal.

Council would like to highlight some reminders on important information about the process to aid residents and developers transitioning to the new online service. Using online lodgement: 1)Applicant: The NSW Planning Portal only allows an applicant to be one of the following: a.A legal First Name and legal Surname b.A Company or Business 2)Development Application Form: The portal will create a form once complete that has all relevant information included. The portal has the option to apply for subsequent applications once the DA application is complete. 3)Missing Documentation: Once you hit submit on an online application, the applicant is unable to edit or load any missing documentation. It is critical for applicants to second check attached documentation prior to submitting an application.

Assistance with the lodgement of online applications: If you are interested in one-on-one training with a Council employee, this can be organised upon request either at the Cooma, Jindabyne or Bombala offices or via video conferencing. If you wish to take up this offer please register your interest by email to [email protected] and we will contact you to make an appointment.

FORUM: In response to several requests, Council will be looking to reintroduce the Development Industry Information Forum with industry members to provide updates for the Snowy Monaro Region development industry. If you are interested in attending a forum such as this we encourage you to register your interest via [email protected] and we will notify you of the dates of the sessions to be held in due course.

Our planning staff are also available via telephone and email to assist applicants with their online lodgement. There are also resources available on the NSW Planning Portal Website:

Contact Service NSW [email protected] or Council [email protected]

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