We have recently reviewed our kerbside clean up service and made some minor changes to our collection days to improve the consistency and reliability of our service to you.

Changes commencing from Monday 9 August

Kerbside clean ups will be collected on a Wednesday for residents living in Ruse and Kentlyn, rather than on a Tuesday.

Why is Council changing the kerbside collection day?

Due to the growth we’re experiencing across our Local Government Area, the adjustments for Ruse and Kentlyn's kerbside clean up collection days are needed to ensure we can complete services on time. All other waste collection days remain the same.

To learn more about the items we collect and to make a booking, visit our Got bulky items? Book a kerbside clean up page.

Have additional questions?

Contact our Customer Service Team on 02 4645 4000 or email council@campbelltown.nsw.gov.au.