An urban release area means a greenfield area intended to be developed for more intense urban development.  Part 6, of Lithgow Local Environmental Plan 2014, provides for satisfactory arrangements for state public infrastructure, public utility infrastructure and the preparation of a development control plan (DCP) to ensure development occurs in a logical and cost-effective manner.  Part 6 is detailed below.

The development control plan will be prepared following finalisation of the proposed LEP amendment.  The document will also be publicly exhibited at the appropriate stage.

 Part 6 Urban release areas

6.1   Arrangements for designated State public infrastructure

(1)  The objective of this clause is to require satisfactory arrangements to be made for the provision of designated State public infrastructure before the subdivision of land in an urban release area to satisfy needs that arise from development on the land, but only if the land is developed intensively for urban purposes.

(2)  Development consent must not be granted for the subdivision of land in an urban release area if the subdivision would create a lot smaller than the minimum lot size permitted on the land immediately before the land became, or became part of, an urban release area, unless the Director-General has certified in writing to the consent authority that satisfactory arrangements have been made to contribute to the provision of designated State public infrastructure in relation to that lot.

(3)  Subclause (2) does not apply to—

(a)  any lot identified in the certificate as a residue lot, or

(b)  any lot to be created by a subdivision of land that was the subject of a previous development consent granted in accordance with this clause, or

(c)  any lot that is proposed in the development application to be reserved or dedicated for public open space, public roads, public utility undertakings, educational facilities or any other public purpose, or

(d)  a subdivision for the purpose only of rectifying an encroachment on any existing lot.

(4)  This clause does not apply to land in an urban release area if all or any part of the land is in a special contributions area (as defined by section 7.1 of the Act).

6.2   Public utility infrastructure

(1)  Development consent must not be granted for development on land in an urban release area unless the Council is satisfied that any public utility infrastructure that is essential for the proposed development is available or that adequate arrangements have been made to make that infrastructure available when it is required.

(2)  This clause does not apply to development for the purpose of providing, extending, augmenting, maintaining or repairing any public utility infrastructure.

6.3   Development control plan

(1)  The objective of this clause is to ensure that development on land in an urban release area occurs in a logical and cost-effective manner, in accordance with a staging plan and only after a development control plan that includes specific controls has been prepared for the land.

(2)  Development consent must not be granted for development on land in an urban release area unless a development control plan that provides for the matters specified in subclause (3) has been prepared for the land.

(3)  The development control plan must provide for all of the following—

(a)  a staging plan for the timely and efficient release of urban land, making provision for necessary infrastructure and sequencing,

(b)  an overall transport movement hierarchy showing the major circulation routes and connections to achieve a simple and safe movement system for private vehicles, public transport, pedestrians and cyclists,

(c)  an overall landscaping strategy for the protection and enhancement of riparian areas and remnant vegetation, including visually prominent locations, and detailed landscaping requirements for both the public and private domain,

(d)  a network of active and passive recreation areas,

(e)  stormwater and water quality management controls,

(f)  amelioration of natural and environmental hazards, including bush fire, flooding and site contamination and, in relation to natural hazards, the safe occupation of, and the evacuation from, any land so affected,

(g)  detailed urban design controls for significant development sites,

(h)  measures to encourage higher density living around transport, open space and service nodes,

(i)  measures to accommodate and control appropriate neighbourhood commercial and retail uses,

(j)  suitably located public facilities and services, including provision for appropriate traffic management facilities and parking.

(4)  Subclause (2) does not apply to development for any of the following purposes—

(a)  a subdivision for the purpose of a realignment of boundaries that does not create additional lots,

(b)  a subdivision of land if any of the lots proposed to be created is to be reserved or dedicated for public open space, public roads or any other public or environment protection purpose,

(c)  a subdivision of land in a zone in which the erection of structures is prohibited,

(d)  development on land that is of a minor nature only, if the consent authority is of the opinion that the carrying out of the development would be consistent with the objectives of the zone in which the land is situated.

6.4   Relationship between Part and remainder of Plan

A provision of this Part prevails over any other provision of this Plan to the extent of any inconsistency.