Published on 05 August 2021
Macedon Ranges Shire Council is seeking your feedback on its draft Municipal Early Years Plan, which outlines Council’s approach to ensuring the Macedon Ranges is a child-friendly shire.
Called ‘CREATE’, the four-year plan identifies priorities and actions to support children aged birth to eight and their families. The plan provides a framework to develop Council’s response to significate sector reform, including the introduction of three-year-old kindergarten and school readiness funding.
Gina Lyons, Acting Director Corporate and Community said that over 950 community members contributed ideas and suggestions to help create a draft plan that reflects the needs of families and children living in the Macedon Ranges.
“We want the families and children of the Macedon Ranges to feel valued and part of the community, and live healthy and happy lives, accessing the support and services they need.
“The draft CREATE plan outlines our vision for how Council can support families and children to be more connected and active, move around safely and easily, and provide opportunities for learning and development,” she said.
The draft CREATE plan will be available from 2 to 30 August 2021.
To have your say, visit Council's yoursay webpage.
Copies will also be available at Council’s customer service centres (subject to COVID restrictions).