We would like to update our community on changes from Monday 16 August 2021 in line with the current NSW seven day lockdown (in place since 5pm Saturday 14 August 2021).

The below information details access to Council managed facilities and services during this lockdown period.

The current Public Health Order (PHO) requires that the community still has access to customer-facing government services so our customer service offices in Berridale, Bombala, Cooma and Jindabyne will remain open. However, we encourage our community to access our services via our contactless channels: Phone 1300 345 345 Email [email protected] Facebook Messenger @snowymonaroregionalcouncil Website for information in the first instance.

If you are attending an office we remind you of our COVID safe practices. Please use the QR check-in, social distance 1.5m from others and wear a mask. If you need to pay for something in person, please avoid using cash where possible.

COUNCIL MANAGED FACILITIES OPEN: •Customer Service Offices will remain open as the PHO notes that people can access government services (including ServiceNSW in Bombala) •Planning and Building services will be limited but open at Bombala, Cooma and Jindabyne by appointment only. Call 1300 345 345 or email [email protected] (this includes requests for assistance with online DAs) •Playgrounds and ovals will remain open – a reminder that the limit is two people for exercise or a household/family group •Transfer stations (Adaminaby, Berridale, Bredbo, Nimmitabel, Numeralla) operating on their normal advertised opening schedule •Landfill sites (Bombala, Cooma, Jindabyne) operating on their normal schedule •Saleyards •Residential Aged Care Facilities (Berridale and Cooma) - we are working with the facility manager to clarify the impact of potential changes in this space especially for visitors •Cemeteries - only two people can visit as a group (apart from funerals – 10 people maximum at a service) •Council depots remain open (no non-work-related visitors) •Community Services such as home care, respite and meal delivery, will continue in line with PHO requirement changes

COUNCIL MANAGED FACILITIES CLOSED FOR 7 DAY LOCKDOWN PERIOD: •Libraries and regional mobile library service •Business Recovery Hub – Vale St Cooma (shopfront only) – please note support is available over the phone to Ben Verning, Regional Business Manager on 0498 855 515 or Council’s Recovery Team on email [email protected] •Scrapmarts – Cooma and Jindabyne •Jindabyne Pool (already closed due to maintenance issues) •Cooma Basketball Stadium •Visitor Centres – Bombala and Cooma •Raglan Art Gallery •Council managed caravan parks and camping grounds (except for permanent residents and those under extenuating circumstances, in line with the PHO) •Community Halls will be closed due to gathering and entertainment limitations in line with the PHO

We thank you for following the advice from NSW Health as we all work together through this latest challenge. We will continue to update our community as more information comes to hand.

For official COVID-19 updates please refer to: NSW: https://www.nsw.gov.au/covid-19 ACT: https://www.covid19.act.gov.au/home

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