TimeoutClient did not get response within #1000 ms Cfs Harbour - Coffs Council Service Delivery Changes to Support Regional NSW Stay at Home Restrictions 2021

A number of changes have been made to Council’s service delivery including facility closures as a result of the public health orders and stay at home restrictions in place across regional NSW.  These restrictions are in place until 12.01am Sunday 22 August 2021.

Council’s General Manager Steve McGrath said a thorough analysis has been undertaken of service delivery and facility management.

“Rest assured Council staff are taking these restrictions very seriously and monitoring all work practices closely to ensure the workforce and the community are safe.”

The Coffs community should note the following changes to Council’s services and facilities and strictly follow the stay at home restrictions.

Customer Service Centre

Our Customer Service Centre at 2 Castle Street, Coffs Harbour is closed to the public. Council will continue to provide customer service through our normal telephone and online services to ensure essential services are still provided. Our Customer Service Team can be contacted between 8.30am – 4.30pm Monday to Friday via phone: 02 6648 4000 or via email coffs.council@chcc.nsw.gov.au

Council’s Online Services

Council’s online services provide you with a way to complete everyday transactions without having to pick up the phone.

Kerbside Waste, Water & Sewer Services

Essential services including kerbside waste collection and water and sewer functions will continue as normal.

Englands Road Waste Facility

This facility is open and operating with all COVID Safe Measures in place including notification to site users that face masks are mandatory on site. Essentially the general public should only bring waste to the facility if they do not have a waste collection service or are in the process of moving house otherwise you may run the risk of breaching the current stay at home orders.

Waste Transfer Stations

Lowanna and Coramba Waste Transfer Stations will open again (as per normal days / hours) for the general public that need to dispose of household waste and recycling.  Please ensure all COVID safety measures (including the wearing of face masks) are undertaken when using these facilities.

The Woolgoolga Waste Transfer Station remains closed until further notice.

Cultural Services (Libraries, Museum and Gallery)

Our Libraries, Regional Gallery and Regional Museum, they are all closed to the public.

All due dates for library items on loan will be extended throughout the closure (although external returns chutes will remain open for now).

Our housebound (home) library delivery service is currently suspended.

In accordance with current regulations, no ‘select and collect’ services will be offered at this time – this will be reviewed should the lockdown be extended and if restrictions allow.

The current STILL exhibition has an online public program that will be promoted while the Gallery remains closed.

All related public programs and events have been cancelled or postponed until further notice.

Jetty Theatre & Community Venues

The Jetty Theatre, Cavanbah Centre, Community Village meeting rooms and other community venues for hire are all currently closed to the public.

Sportz Central on Bray Street is also temporarily closed until further notice.

All related shows and hires have been cancelled or postponed until further notice.

Parks, Playgrounds & Skate Parks (including Public Amenities)

All parks (including the Botanic Garden), playgrounds, outdoor gym equipment and skate parks remain open for exercise purposes.

Please adhere to restrictions in accordance with the current NSW Health Orders for exercise and outdoor recreation.

C.ex Coffs International Stadium & Council Managed Sports Grounds

The C.ex International Stadium it is currently closed to the public.

Council managed sports grounds are also closed to our seasonal / casual hirers but do however, remain available for public exercise in accordance with current restrictions.

Ayrshire Park and Nana Glen Sport Recreation & Equestrian Centre are temporarily closed to the public.

Public Swimming Pools

All public swimming pools including the Coffs Harbour War Memorial Olympic Pool are currently closed to the public.

Lifeguard Services (Patrols)

Our lifeguard patrol of Park Beach (the only beach patrol operating currently) will continue for the duration of the Regional NSW lockdown, but with flags down and as a surveillance only patrol with lifeguards only responding to emergency incidents.

Our normal beach mat service at Jetty Beach remains operational.

Our beach wheelchair hire services and beach safety education programs are temporarily suspended.

Construction and Maintenance Works

Council’s construction and maintenance works will continue as normal with COVID safety measures in place as necessary.

Adjustments are also being made to environmental health programs, building and pool compliance programs and ranger activities to minimise movement around the local government area.

Further details are located here.


Stay at home restrictions.
