UPDATE: South Burnie Beach - toilet, change rooms and car park upgrade
Burnie City Council 20 Aug 2021

Improvement works at South Burnie Beach began earlier this year. Works include the installation of a new public toilet and change room facility, upgrades to the car park, re-alignment of the Coastal Pathway, and several other conveniences.

Some elements of the work have been delayed due to the poor weather, however we anticipate making up time to complete the project by the end of October as planned.

The Coastal Pathway diversion is proceeding at pace, the first Hotmix will be placed shortly in order to largely complete works at the Yacht Club/Yachties end of the project. 

Works have begun on the carpark upgrades near the Cradle Coast Outrigger Canoe Club buildings.

Please visit the project page for a detailed visual plan and an artist’s impression of the toilet and change room cubicles.

Council has been successful in obtaining a $22,200 grant under the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program - round 1 (Australian Government) for the toilets and a $50,000 grant under the Recreational Fishing and Camping Facilities Program (Australian Government) for the carpark.