The objectives of this clause are as follows:
(a) to ensure that the development of land known as Pottery Estate is planned in an orderly manner and achieves appropriate built form,
(b) to ensure that the development has regard to the unique environmental constraints and opportunities of the land,
(c) to ensure that the development of this land is appropriately serviced.
The application of the clause and heads of consideration to be addressed are as follows:
Development consent must not be granted for development on land to which this clause applies unless the consent authority has taken into consideration a development control plan approved by the Council for that purpose that contains comprehensive provisions relating to, but not limited to:
(a) the layout and design of both vehicular and pedestrian traffic through that land, and
(b) the need to integrate the mixed land uses of the land through appropriate design and buffers,
(c) minimising the impact of development on the heritage significance of the cultural landscape, including both the built and archaeological heritage items on the land and proposed means of conservation management, and
(d) any areas of land that may need restrictions due to the impact of mine subsidence, slope, bush fire, flooding or inundation or any other identifiable hazard, and
(e) investigation and identification of any areas of land affected by contamination and the means to alleviate any risk of injury or harm, and
(f) stormwater and water quality management, and
(g) the conservation of natural watercourses, and
(h) the protection of any potential habitat of any identified threatened species of flora and fauna, in particular the Purple Copper Butterfly (Paralucia spinifera), and
(i) good design principles relating to building heights and setbacks, densities, materials, colours, form and scale, and
(j) the servicing of the land, and
(k) management of open space and public lands.