Due to the positive COVID-19 case detection in Cooma, Snowy Monaro Regional Council will move to Level 2 of their pandemic plan, which follows the CRJO (Canberra Region Joint Organisation) Pandemic Plan.

This affects some of Council’s services and operations with the following changes to be in place from Tuesday 7 September 2021: -All customer service offices will be closed to the public – Cooma, Berridale, Bombala and Jindabyne. You can contact our Customer Service Officers on 1300 345 345 and payments can be made over the phone. -ServiceNSW (Bombala) by appointment only - please call 6451 1132 to make a booking. -Waste facilities remain open: oLandfills open: EFTPOS only – no cash accepted. ?Bombala, Cooma and Jindabyne landfills ?Please note we are transitioning to EFTPOS where possible and there will be a grace period for cash until the end of this week. oTransfer stations: only open to those residents with domestic waste who DO NOT have kerbside collections or access to Bank of Bins. ?Adaminaby, Berridale, Bredbo, Delegate, Nimmitabel, Numeralla ?Please bring proof of home address when taking waste to the transfer station -Inspections (DAs, food, environmental) limited to essential only and officers must isolate from anyone on site

A reminder that the following services were already amended under the current Public Health Order and will continue this way until otherwise notified: -Community transport restricted to medical and essential trips only -Libraries closed: click and deliver (contactless) service available for members -Scrapmarts closed -Business Recovery Hub Cooma (Vale St) closed -Community Support Offices closed including Werri-Nina in Cooma

At any areas that remain open, we remind community members to: -Stay physically distant (minimum 1.5m) -Wear a mask -Sanitise and stay COVID safe

We thank you for your patience as we make changes to our operations and services in line with the evolving pandemic changes and Public Health Order.

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