In celebration of Australian Citizenship Day and in compliance with legislation, Snowy Monaro Regional Council will be holding a citizenship ceremony at its September Ordinary Council Meeting in Cooma on Thursday 16 September 2021.

There will be ten conferees receiving their Australian Citizenship at the ceremony, which must occur in person according to the relevant legislation. Under the current rules, online ceremonies are only permitted where the relevant Public Health Order prohibits the ceremony from going ahead.

Under the current Public Health Order affecting the Snowy Monaro, the ceremony can go ahead as long as COVID-safe practices are observed.

Australian Citizenship Day is celebrated each year on 17 September and is an opportunity for all Australians to celebrate their Australian citizenship. Council plays an important role in welcoming our new citizens, and encouraging the community to do the same.

The Snowy Monaro has a proud tradition of multiculturalism from the very beginning, as a large and diverse area that is the home of four Aboriginal peoples – the Ngarigo, Walgalu, Ngunnawal and Bidhawal. The late 19th and early 20th century saw an influx of people from all over the world, with gold rushes, the original Snowy Hydro project and growing townships from Cooma to Bombala.

Our region has long been a place where different people can come together and build a better life. On behalf of everyone in the Snowy Monaro, we’d like to congratulate the latest group of new Aussies – welcome, we’re glad you’re here.

The ceremony begins shortly after 5pm and can be viewed online through Council’s meeting webcast service.

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