17 Sep 2021 All suburbs Airds, Ambarvale, Bardia, Blair Athol, Blairmount, Bow Bowing, Bradbury, Campbelltown, Claymore, Denham Court, Eagle Vale, Englorie Park, Eschol Park, Gilead, Glen Alpine, Glenfield, Gregory Hills, Holsworthy, Ingleburn, Kearns, Kentlyn, Leumeah, Long Point, Macquarie Fields, Macquarie Links, Menangle Park, Minto, Minto Heights, Mount Annan, Raby, Rosemeadow, Ruse, St Andrews, St Helens Park, Varroville, Wedderburn, Woodbine, Woronora Dam, Outside LGA,

In celebration of Australian Citizenship Day, Council is paying tribute to the more than 1200 residents who have received their citizenship over the past 12 months.

This year marks the 20th anniversary of Australian Citizenship Day and is an opportunity for all Australians to reflect on what it means to be Australian.

Mayor George Brticevic said despite the interruption of the COVID-19 pandemic, Council continued to hold online ceremonies to ensure people were able to receive their citizenship.

“In just the past month, we’ve had 764 residents originating from 64 different countries receive their citizenship,” Cr Brticevic said.

“As the child of Croatian immigrants, it has been my honour to hold these ceremonies and be a part of what has been a special day for so many people,” he said.

“It’s fantastic to see the joy that people have when receiving their citizenship and how much it means to them to be Australian.”

Local residents Manoj, Sathya, Manju and Shivani came to Australia from India eight years ago and were delighted to recently receive their citizenship.

“All these years we enjoyed the mateship, quality of life and safe environment for our children,” they said.

“We made several friends from various cultural backgrounds. We are proud to embrace the Australian culture and values while practicing our religious beliefs, traditions and practices.”

Suresh, Priyansha and Liam from Nepal came to Australia to continue their education and build a career.

“Living in Australia has been very exciting and we have loved every single moment. Getting Australian citizenship is like one of our dreams that came true,” they said.

“We are proud that we chose to live in Australia, a multi-cultural country, which values, respects and looks after the people living in the country, especially people in Campbelltown who are very lovely and support us.“

Zaman came to Australia from the small city of Rangpur in Bangladesh and said his migration to Australia had been a memorable experience.

“Becoming an Australian citizen means a more formal relationship with the people of this country living in Australia and all over the word,” he said.

“It will also encourage us to learn and respect more about the history, culture and people. Finally, thanks a lot to the Australian government and people for giving us the opportunity to share equal rights like other Australians.”

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