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Can you help put West Gippsland on the food and tourism map? We’re inviting residents and local businesses to share their ideas and help us develop our food and tourism strategy.
The West Gippsland Progress Association (WPGA) formed to support farmers and local businesses in the Bunyip Complex Bushfire affected area. The WGPA, in partnership with Cardinia Shire Council, is developing a Food and Tourism Strategy to progress economic bushfire recovery efforts for the community.
Given the devastation of the Bunyip Complex Bushfire of 2019 and the impacts of COVID19 on local businesses, the goal of the food and tourism strategy is to positively improve businesses and grow tourism opportunities, creating a clear destination vision for the area. The economic, social, cultural, and environmental benefits the strategy will work towards, will enhance recovery efforts, and provide a strong foundation for future long-term tourism planning and development in the area.
The WGPA intends to launch the strategy in 2022 and is seeking input from the local community. Residents and local businesses are encouraged to provide input into the development of the strategy by completing the survey on Creating Cardinia between Wednesday 13 October and Wednesday 3 November. Visit www.creatingcardina.vic.gov.au to have your say.
To find out more about the West Gippsland Progress Association or to become a member visit:
West Gippsland Progress Association Facebook
West Gippsland Progress Association Instagram