Council is hosting a free online expo on Saturday 30 October to help residents ‘Get Ready for Summer’.
As we enter the summer storm and bush fire seasons, it’s the perfect time to get informed and get prepared. The ‘Get Ready for Summer Expo’ is all about helping you be as prepared and resilient as possible, for any emergencies that arise.
Blue Mountains Mayor Mark Greenhill said: “Every year our community braces for summer and the wild weather it may bring. We can have wonderful summers, but we can also have stressful summers that bring intense storms or bush fires. We all need to be as informed, prepared and resilient as possible.”
The Expo will showcase expert presenters and lead agencies including the NSW RFS, NSW SES and Fire+Rescue NSW, among others. They’ll provide practical advice to help residents and businesses build resilience and be more prepared for the summer storm and bush fire seasons.
The expo is FREE but places are limited so registrations are essential to secure your place and access the full, interactive experience. When you register you’ll get access to every session, but you can pop in and out of the sessions that suit you and work with your schedule.
“Holding the expo online means we can ensure everyone can access this important information, even if they’re still waiting for their vaccination.
“It also means we can have more people attend and stay safe at the same time,” Mayor Greenhill said.
The day will focus on understanding what we can do to make our friends, families and pets safer by knowing your risks, and planning for what you will do now and in an emergency.
It will look at how to stay informed and where to find reliable information, and what we can do to look after our community, local wildlife, and beautiful environment in which we all live.
Get more information and find out how to register at: