TimeoutClient did not get response within #1000 ms Armidale Regional - Consultation begins on the community’s 10 year strategic plan for the region 2021

Armidale Regional Council is embarking on a month long consultation with the community to ask residents for their strategic aspirations and vision for the next 10 years.

All Councils in NSW are governed by a suite of strategic documents. At the very top of these sits the Community Strategic Plan (CSP). The CSP is placed at the centre of a suite of integrated plans known as the Integrated Planning and Report Framework that sets out visions, goals and strategic actions to achieve them. It involves a reporting structure to communicate progress to council and the community as well as a structured timeline for review.

Armidale Regional Council General Manager James Roncon said the Community Plan is the peoples’ plan and guides everything we do at Council.

“It lets us know what the community wants for the region now and in 10 years’ time,” said Mr Roncon.

“We often hear that Council doesn’t listen, Council doesn’t engage and doesn’t take on-board ideas. What we want to do through this consultation, is to shatter that myth.”

The Shape Your Region Community Plan consultation commenced on Monday and concludes on 14 November. It involves a month long schedule of engagement opportunities across the region and online activities for residents to complete.

A new website called www.shapeyourregion.com.au has been established and provides further information, schedule of Listening Post dates and locations as well as online surveys and a $100 budget challenge. Packs have also been mailed to all residents that includes a postcard that you can fill-in and return to Council. A phone survey will also be conducted with a random selection of the community.

“We want to reach every corner of our region to ensure everyone has the opportunity to be part of the discussion to shape our region now and into the future,” said James Roncon

“The website is a great starting point and provides a number of activities that will allow you to get your ideas to us and share your vision for our region. Particularly if you cannot make one of our face-to-face listening posts.”

Once the consultation is complete all feedback will be reviewed and refined to establish consistent themes. Council will have a custodial role in preparing the plan for the community. In early 2022 the new Council will review and the draft community plan will be presented back to the community for feedback.

Published on 27 Oct 2021