It has been a challenging two years for Council's customer service team trying to maintain as full a service as possible while adapting to changes wrought by the COVID pandemic.
And the hard work has paid off.
Yesterday, Council won the 2021 National Local Government Customer Service Team of the Year Award.
The National Local Government Customer Service Network Awards recognise best practice in customer service in Local Government and showcase the achievements of Councils and customer service professionals.
In presenting the award, the judges said: "This Council has re-engineered service delivery to meet extraordinary challenges. It shows how much intelligence can be unlocked and brought to help a community during intense change."
They said Council had "implemented very well thought out plans to manage the customer experience in an ever-changing environment."
We are delighted with the award and look forward to continuing to provide our local community with a first-class customer service, whether it be online, phone, email or in person.