TimeoutClient did not get response within #1000 ms Weddin Shire - Council News: 9 December 2021 2021
Council News: 9 December 2021
Weddin Shire Council 30 Nov 2021
Council News: 9 December 2021 Dates to Note Friday 10 December 2021 - Recycling collection (Grenfell East) Monday 13 December 2021 - Recycling collection (Grenfell West) Street Stalls

Wed to Sat

8-11 December 2021 - Grenfell Salvation Army Corps Wednesday 15 December 2021 - Hospital Auxiliary Grenfell Branch Advertisements WEED SPRAYING - HENRY LAWSON OVALS

Council wishes to advise that weather permitting, weed spraying will be conducted on Henry Lawson Ovals, Stan McCabe Drive, Grenfell during the period Monday 6 December 2021 to Thursday 16 December 2021 (inclusive). It is intended that spraying may take 1-2 days only.

Spraying will be undertaken to reduce the incidence of clover using Cutlass M (Group 1) with active constituents 340 g/l MCPA, 80g/l DICAMBA.

Persons with sensitivities to herbicides are advised to avoid the area during this period.

Enquiries may be directed to Council’s Authorised Officer – Weeds on (02) 6343 1212 or by email to


Interested persons and organisations are invited to make nominations for the 2022 Weddin Shire Australia Day Awards.

Categories are as follows:

Citizen of the Year Senior Citizen of the Year Community Event/Organisation of the Year Community Achievement Awards in any category

Nomination forms are available at Council’s Administration Office as well as on Council’s website www.weddin.nsw.gov.au/council/forms

Nominations will be received up until Friday 10 December 2021.


Council is currently inviting applications for the following positions: -


Up to $1,222.95 per week +

$16.70 per week Adverse Working Conditions Allowance Friday 10 December 2021 Workshop Mechanic

Up to $1,063.55 per week +

$16.70 per week Adverse Working Conditions Allowance Friday 10 December 2021 Labourer – Parks & Gardens – Full time

Up to $922.40 per week +

$16.70 p/w Adverse Working Conditions Allowance

Tuesday 4 January 2022 Labourer – Parks & Gardens (Temp up to 12 months)

Up to $922.40 per week +

$16.70 p/w Adverse Working Conditions Allowance

Tuesday 4 January 2022

Further information and position descriptions detailing the selection criteria can be obtained from Council’s Employment webpage or by contacting Council’s Administration Office during business hours via Ph: (02) 6343 1212 or Email: 


Residents are hereby advised that the mobile Red Cross Lifeblood van will be stationed in front of Vaughn Park on Cross Street, Grenfell on Thursday 16 December 2021 8.00am – 1.00pm and residents of the Weddin Shire are encouraged to book a donation time.

One in three people in Grenfell will need blood during their lives — and without amazing locals like you spreading the word, that blood may not be there at the crucial moment

Bookings can be made online at https://www.donateblood.com.au/  or via Phone: 13 14 95.


Applications may now be lodged with the undersigned for allocations of dates for street stalls during 2022. It is anticipated that an allocation of dates will take place in late January 2022.

Applications will be received up until Thursday, 23 December 2021.


Council has identified an opportunity to provide a kerb side waste collection service to the villages of Caragabal, Quandialla and Bimbi, along with an expansion of the service currently provided to the village of Greenethorpe.

It is proposed to provide a general waste and recycling kerb side pick-up service to the villages of Caragabal, Quandialla, Bimbi and Greenethorpe. This service would be an alternating weekly service, meaning a general waste pickup one week and then a recycling pick up the following week.

An annual village waste charge of $350.00 per year per service is proposed which will include both general waste and recycling. This charge has been calculated so as to not exceed the reasonable costs to Council for providing the proposed service.  A 240L general waste bin and a 240L recycling bin would be provided as part of each service where required at no cost.

It is important to note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993, all properties containing a dwelling within the proposed service areas would be subject to the new service and therefore be required to pay the annual waste charge, regardless of whether the service is utilised or not.

As part of the proposal it is also intended to relocate the bank of recycling bins located within the villages of Caragabal and Quandialla to the respective waste facilities in those locations. This will continue to allow residents located within the rural areas of the villages to have access to recycling facilities. Residents within the villages of Caragabal, Quandialla and Bimbi would also continue to have access to these facilities.

If you wish to make a submission or provide comments in relation to the proposed village waste collection service, you can do so in writing by 24th December 2021.

All submission or comments must be in writing and addressed to The General Manager, Weddin Shire Council, by mail at PO Box 125 Grenfell NSW 2810 or by email at .

Authorised by

PO Box 125