High rainfall across the Snowy Monaro in the last 24 hours has resulted in flooded roads & crossings and substantial damage to the road network. Please do not attempt to cross a flooded road or crossing and we ask that travel is avoided unless necessary.

Unfortunately, the wet weather isn’t over. The only option for our road teams is to install warning signs highlighting hazards across the road and, if the risk is too great, close the road. Repair work cannot be done until road damage is assessed and we get some dry weather conditions.

We will keep you informed of road closures as we learn of them. Please only travel if you must, and please do not take any risks. If water is flowing across a road, don’t drive through it. There is no way of knowing what damage has occurred underneath and even a small amount of flowing water can wash a car off the road.

Flooding means some of our team can’t get to the office. Some front counter facilities are unavailable, and call wait times are long due to the very high volume of calls coming in.

ASSISTANCE: If you need assistance or you are trying to inform Council of a road issue, you can call 24/7 on 1300 345 345. You can email us at [email protected], or reach us through Facebook www.facebook.com/snowymonaroregionalcouncil with a direct message, not a post. Again, your patience is appreciated as we deal with a high volume of calls and staff shortages due to some of our own employees stuck at home and flooded in.

SEND PHOTOS: If you have photos of the road/flood issues in your area, please also email those to the address above. Whilst we have appreciated the posts about flooded roads and crossings on social media, we can’t be sure to have captured them all as they are on noticeboards and groups, far and wide. Your images and information help us document the damage across our LGA’S 2,467km road network and keep the community safe and informed. Covering an area of 15,162km2 with a small team, we appreciate the help.

In a life-threatening emergency call 000. If you need assistance with rescue or storm damage, please call the NSW SES on 132 500.

For the latest information go to the Live Traffic Website, follow us on Facebook, tune into ABC Radio South East, or visit our Disaster site https://snowymonaro.disasterdashboards.com/

Please stay safe, drive carefully if you have to travel and please keep the photos coming.

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