Snowy Monaro events, community groups & sporting clubs looking for innovative ways to raise funds are encouraged to apply for a FREE 120L ‘Return and Earn’ fundraising bin from Council & the Canberra Region Joint Organisation of Councils (CRJO).

The 120L fundraising bins from Council allow eligible local organisations to collect drink containers from their members, supporters and the wider community, and return these at ‘Return and Earn’ stations to collect their reimbursement funds. It’s a great way to fundraise.

Return and Earn is the state’s largest litter reduction initiative, reimbursing the community for doing the right thing, with eligible drink containers earning a 10 cent refund for each container dropped off at an approved return point.

Each community group, sporting club or event in the Snowy Monaro region is eligible to apply for up to two bins, to be used in ‘Return and Earn’ fundraising activities. Once distributed by Council the bins become the receiving organisation’s responsibility for emptying, depositing the CDS (Container Deposit Scheme) containers to reclaim funds, plus cleaning and maintaining bins.

Snowy Monaro Regional Council is able to provide these bins thanks to grant funding from the NSW EPA through the CRJO.

To apply for your free fundraising ‘Return and Earn’ bin for your organisation or event, please email [email protected] with the subject “Fundraising community collection bins for Return and Earn”.

Bins will be delivered to successful applicants within 14 business days.

For more information on resource and waste management in the Snowy Monaro, please visit or call 1300 345 345.

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