Important update on actions being taken to support the community including access to drinking water free from discolouration.

Clermont Water Discolouration Update #6

26 December 2021

Council is committed to keeping community informed in relation to water discolouration in Clermont as new information becomes available.

What prompted the discolouration?

Clermont, including the catchment which supports the Theresa Creek Dam has experienced significant rainfalls in recent weeks. This has washed large volumes of sediment and organic matter into the dam which supplies the Clermont water treatment plant.

This has impacted the overall quality of raw water which has resulted in higher than normal turbidity and lower than normal pH levels supplied from Theresa Creek Dam.

Why is the water discoloured?

The Clermont water treatment plant’s treatment system has been unable to cope with the high turbidity levels.

Operators at the water treatment plant are working to reduce the inflow of raw water and increase the water treatment, without compromising the town demand.

What makes the water discoloured?

The discolouration of the water is caused by the latent re-oxidation of manganese and iron in the treated water reservoir.

Is the water safe?

The discolouration is undesirable however the water is safe to drink. Samples have been tested and are within the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines.

Regular internal testing is undertaken in accordance with our Drinking Water Quality Management Plan and is being undertaken every time a process change is made at the water treatment plant. We also have regular monitoring of the town network supply.

What are we doing to treat the discoloured water?

An independent water process specialist who was involved with the water treatment plant upgrade in 2017-18 has been onsite to review treatment processes and assess options to improve these processes and find a solution to the discoloration issue.

Adjustments to the treatment process are occurring to deal with the levels of manganese, iron and organics by varying dosing locations and volumes of the chemicals used to ensure water is safe to drink.

Additional water treatment is underway, with ongoing monitoring of the water quality changes and the process improvements.

Increased backwashing of filters and flushing of the town network is ongoing. Residents may experience low water pressure as the mains are being flushed.

What about clear drinking water?

The water is currently safe to drink however we understand that the level of discolouration may be a concern for the community.

Council has secured a 25,000 ltr water tanker to bring treated water to Clermont. This water will be provided free for affected residents and is expected to be available at 12:00 noon at Hoods Lagoon. Further updates on timing will be confirmed in the morning. 

How do we clean stained laundry?

The staining of your laundry from discoloured water is due to particles of sediment being lodged in the fabric caused by iron and manganese.  The stain is best removed by an acid-based cleaning agent. 

We are currently in the process of acquiring a supply of citric acid and will provide this to residents as a stain remover for laundry purposes.  As soon as we have secured adequate supply and we will provide further advice on when this will be available. 

When water quality or quantity issues arise, we have a 24 hour response capability. Often the solution is able to be implemented quickly if we are alerted to any issues that arise.

Please contact Council’s Customer Service Centre available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on 1300 ISAACS (1300 472 227).

Council wishes to thank the public for their patience.

Mary-Anne Uren

Acting Chief Executive Officer

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