26 Jan 2022 All suburbs Airds, Ambarvale, Bardia, Blair Athol, Blairmount, Bow Bowing, Bradbury, Campbelltown, Claymore, Denham Court, Eagle Vale, Englorie Park, Eschol Park, Gilead, Glen Alpine, Glenfield, Gregory Hills, Holsworthy, Ingleburn, Kearns, Kentlyn, Leumeah, Long Point, Macquarie Fields, Macquarie Links, Menangle Park, Minto, Minto Heights, Mount Annan, Raby, Rosemeadow, Ruse, St Andrews, St Helens Park, Varroville, Wedderburn, Woodbine, Woronora Dam, Outside LGA,

The community spirit and tireless work of residents and community workers have been recognised this morning at the 2022 Australia Day Awards.

Domestic violence advocate and support worker, Lesley Robson was awarded the Campbelltown’s 2022 Citizen of the Year Award.

She was among five citizens and a local community organisation recognised across the six award categories.

Mayor George Greiss congratulated the award winners for their contributions to the community.

“Australia Day is all about celebrating the work of people in our community who make Campbelltown the wonderful place that it is,” Cr Greiss said.

“This past year has been among the most challenging in our shared history but it’s amazing to see how many residents and community organisations have stepped up in different ways to support the wider community,” he said.

“I know the selection committee had a difficult time choosing a winner from an incredible amount of nominations.”

A member of the Campbelltown Domestic Violence Committee, Ms Robson has been a tireless worker organising a range of projects and community awareness programs to end gender-based violence such as the annual 16 Days of Activism and the Wash Away Violence project.

Disability advocate Renee Allara was named the Disability and Inclusion Award winner in recognition of her work with Australian Deaf Elders, supporting those in need of interpreting services who were ineligible for NDIS funding.

Community Group initiative of the Year was awarded to Lomandra Community Pantry in recognition of their work in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, distributing food hampers and pantry essentials to other community services and helping more than 300 local families in need.

Macarthur Orioles baseball player Mitchell Austin was awarded Sportsperson of the year in recognition of his success, earning a professional contract in the US and being signed to the Sydney Blue Sox prior to 2021/2022 season being cancelled as well as his work locally coaching up and coming baseball stars.

Bin Chicken founder Alexis Bowen was named Environmental Citizen of the Year for her work encouraging others to think about their environmental impact and reducing litter through her business and using social media. She helps to keep the city looking pristine by recycling bottles and cans herself and putting the money back into the community.

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