Isaac Regional Council CEO Jeff Stewart-Harris has received one of the nation’s highest honours for his public service to Local and State government.

Isaac Regional Council CEO Jeff Stewart-Harris has received one of the nation’s highest honours for his public service to Local and State government.

Mr Stewart-Harris, who took over Council’s top job in April 2021, has been awarded the Public Service Medal (PSM) for his outstanding career in local and state government, spanning 38 years.

He was honoured through the Governor General’s Australia Day Honours list.

Mr Stewart-Harris said he had been very lucky to have worked in a variety of public service roles, taking part in major projects that helped to shape a number of Queensland communities.

“To receive recognition of my life’s work by the Governor General through this award is an incredible honour,” he said.

“The work I have been involved in spanning more than three decades has been rewarding and given me the opportunity to deliver positive change for the communities I served.

“I am proud to have placed the future wellbeing, economic opportunity and regional prosperity of community at the centre of my decision making.

"The most important thing I have learnt in my career is that community and people are the key to success. Having a sense of community unites us and with the right people around you can accomplish anything.”

Since 1994, Mr Stewart-Harris has worked insenior leadership roles as Director, Chief Operating Officer, Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Chief Executive Officer.

While serving in his latest role at Isaac Regional Council, Mr Stewart-Harris redeveloped the culture and function of his directorate, had genuine and thoughtful engagement with stakeholders from Clermont Saleyards and Showgrounds and has been creative, empathetic and inclusive with small coastal communities in the development of a new coastal hazard provisions planning scheme.

Mayor Anne Baker welcomed the Governor General’s recognition of Mr Stewart-Harris for his incredible and selfless contribution to communities across Queensland.

“Jeff has been a stalwart of the public sector for many years and his involvement in complex change management has been instrumental in helping to shape Queensland,” Mayor Baker.

“As a senior leader, he has strategically and tactically impacted the organisations and the communities he has served in many ways with care, wisdom, inclusion and extraordinary skill,

“In his time at Isaac Regional Council, Jeff has gone above the call of duty to deliver quality outcomes for our region and his outstanding work will leave a lasting legacy.”

Meritorious Awards recognise outstanding and distinguished service by public servants, members of an Australian police force, fire, ambulance, corrections, intelligence or emergency service, or in support of outstanding work with an Australian Antarctic expedition.

The Governor-General makes these awards on the recommendation of the responsible Ministers. The Governor-General’s Australia Day Honours ceremony will be held later in the year.

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