Queensland Treasury statistics reveal Mareeba Shire is now the sixth fastest growing Local Government Area in the State.

The figures show an annual growth increase of 1.7% in the year spanning 2019-2020 compared with the previous year.

Mayor, Angela Toppin welcomed the good news and said it was a credit to all residents, the Mareeba Shire Council and local Chamber of Commerce who are driving existing and emerging industries, major infrastructure and business projects as well as residential and lifestyle initiatives.

“These past two years have certainly presented challenges not just on a local, but global scale, and these statistics show despite the added difficulties, Mareeba is shining through as a wonderful place to live, work and invest,” Mayor Toppin said.

“As the largest town outside of Cairns, we have our sights set as a Council on continuing to bolster the positive trend of dwelling and commercial approvals which saw $64 million dollars’ worth of residential and non-residential plans rubberstamped in 2020-21.”

Mareeba Chamber of Commerce President, Joe Moro said the region’s impressive growth rate is indicative of the Shire’s burgeoning agricultural sector, the Council’s commitment to careful local economic profiling, and major upgrades to large scale infrastructure.

“Our region is a vital transport and services hub for Northern Australia, and with smart business decisions, continuing local government investment in industrial and commercial aviation parks, road transport routes and water treatment facilities we’re ready to capitalise on this positive trend,” Mr Moro said.

“The chamber has worked hard in collaboration with organisations including Council to position Mareeba as a great place to live, work and do business.”

“Being ranked as the 6th fastest LGA in Queensland is proof this collaborative approach is working.”

Mayor Toppin reaffirmed the Council’s top five projects for 2022 are: Chillagoe Bore and Pipeline; Shire-wide AC water main replacement program; Kanervo Road bridge replacement at Koah; Granite Creek Sewage Pump Station upgrade, and the construction and operation of a new Buy Back Shop at Mareeba Waste Transfer Station.

“These are exciting times for Mareeba Shire and as a Council we are committed to supporting the growth of this beautiful region for residents, visitors and generations to come,” Mayor Toppin said.