Information about the City's Annual General Meeting of Electors on on Tuesday 22 February 2022.

The City's Annual General Meeting of Electors will be held at the Civic Centre at 5:30pm on Tuesday 22 February 2022.

In accordance with Section 5.27 of the Local Government Act 1995, the general meeting of electors is to be held once every financial year to consider the contents of the annual report for the previous year, and consider other general business.

Electors are invited to submit motions for consideration at the meeting. Proposed motions must be provided in writing to Administration by 12pm on the day of the meeting.

Attendees who are verified electors of the City of Wanneroo will be provided first priority to access the Council Chamber, subject to seating capacity. Attendees who are not verified electors of the City of Wanneroo will be required to remain in designated overflow areas, unless there is sufficient capacity in the Council Chamber. If capacity allows, those in overflow areas will be directed to the Chamber at the start of the meeting.

Registration for electors who wish to attend the meeting starts at 5pm. Please arrive early at the Civic Centre to ensure you can participate in this meeting.

The meeting will also be audio streamed live. See the Meeting agendas and minutes drop down box on the Council Meetings page to access the live stream.

The full Procedure for an Electors’ Meeting is published in the Agenda of the meeting. Electors are encouraged to read the Procedure prior to attending as it includes important information about attendance and participation in the meeting.


Attendees must abide by current State Government COVID-19 requirements, including mask wearing and checking in with the SafeWA smartphone app or by manually registering your contact details upon entering the City of Wanneroo Administration building and Council Chamber. 

Definition of Elector An elector is defined in the Local Government Act 1995. An elector is a person who is eligible to vote in an election of the City of Wanneroo. For the purpose of meetings of electors, the definition of an elector is to include ratepayers.

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