Families will soon benefit from upgraded toilet facilities at Kingsway Splash Pad, after Wanneroo Council voted to proceed with a phased approach to the project at its March Council meeting.

In line with feedback received during recent community consultation, stage one of the $678,000 upgrade will include a refurbishment of the existing toilet facilities. A later stage is likely to see the addition of an accessible Changing Place facility and associated infrastructure.

Wanneroo Mayor Tracey Roberts said that recent community consultation identified the addition of accessible facilities was a priority for a large number of respondents.

“Incorporating accessible toilets and changing facilities in the upgrade was definitely an important factor for us to consider for this project,” she said.

“We heard from a number of residents and disability service providers who regularly use the park and the splash pad with family members or clients with disabilities and were eager to see the addition of accessible facilities.

“More than four million Australians live with a disability, and as a City, we are committed to ensuring that our parks, facilities and open spaces are accessible and can be enjoyed by all residents and visitors.

“I would like to thank everyone who took the time to provide feedback on this project and we look forward to providing the community with these upgraded facilities.”

The refurbishment of the existing toilet facilities will be completed during the 2023/24 financial year. The City is investigating funding options that will allow for the delivery of stage two of the project.

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