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Campbelltown residents will now be able to dispose of problem household wastes for free at the new Campbelltown Community Recycling Centre.

Campbelltown Mayor George Greiss officially opened the facility at Hepher Road, Campbelltown today, alongside members of the NSW Environmental Protection Authority’s Community Recycling team.

Items accepted at the facility include paint, motor oils, household batteries, gas bottles, other oils, smoke detectors, portable fire extinguishers, car batteries, fluoro globes and tubes, aerosols and e-waste.

Only household quantities capped at 20 litres or kilograms will be accepted.

“The new Campbelltown Community Recycling Centre means our residents will be able to dispose of bulky and difficult to recycle household wastes such as oils and paints in a convenient local facility that is free and easy to use,” Mayor George Greiss said.

“This will help reduce the amount of material that goes to landfill, improving sustainability and recycling in our community as well as reducing illegal dumping of problem wastes across the city,” Cr Greiss said.

“It will also have the added benefit of reducing the travel burden on residents who previously would have to go to other areas of Sydney to dispose of these problem household wastes,” he said.

EPA Director Circular Economy Program Kristie Brown said: ”Community Recycling Centres like this one play an important role in helping to protect our environment and the health of the community.”

As part of a trial program, bulk cardboard and expanded polystyrene is being accepted on site until Saturday 2 April.

Opening hours are Monday to Friday 8am to 3pm and Saturday 7am to 12pm.

The $865,000 facility was funded by Council with a $265,000 contribution from the NSW Environmental Protection Authority.

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