The upgrade of Gnangara Road to a 4-lane dual carriageway is a step closer, after Wanneroo Council endorsed a preferred option for the realignment project at its March Ordinary Council Meeting.

The endorsed option, which will be released for community consultation later this year, proposes a staged approach to the road realignment, with the construction of a 4-lane dual carriageway between Wanneroo Road and Hartman Drive to be completed by 2030/31, followed by the delivery of the dual carriageway between Hartman Drive and Mirrabooka Avenue by 2040/41.

Wanneroo Deputy Mayor Brett Treby said it was an exciting step forward for the local community who have been advocating for the upgrade.

“The upgrade of Gnangara Road to a 4-lane dual carriageway is a project that our community feels very strongly about and it is certainly a priority for the City,” he said.

“The City is one the country’s fastest growing local government areas, and it is crucial that we look ahead and start working now to meet the future requirements of our residents.

“The option endorsed by Council at its March Ordinary Council Meeting was the result of a rigorous feasibility and needs analysis that determined the scope of upgrade for each section of the road that would provide the greatest benefit to the community, while also considering value for money.

“The staged approach is a cost effective solution that aims to reduce the impact on the surrounding road network.”

The City will complete detailed designs and cost estimates for the endorsed option in the coming months, followed by a detailed pavement analysis that will allow the City to apply for Metropolitan Regional Road Group funding.

The City will also write to the Minister for Transport, the City of Joondalup and Main Roads Western Australia, to advocate for the required funding and resource commitments to deliver the Wanneroo Road/Gnangara Road intersection upgrade as soon as possible.

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