Miss the Council Meeting this week?  Here is a summary of the discussions (Date: 21 March 2022):

The minutes of the Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Committee meetings held last term were accepted and Council thanked the members for their longstanding commitment and advocacy on behalf of the First Nations community (Item 12.1).   Council approved the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence Action Plan for implementation (Item 12.2).   Council endorsed the planning policy documents for exhibition related to the St Johns Anglican Church Site in the Parramatta CBD (Item 12.3). The Church is seeking to alter the planning controls to allow for a commercial tower to be built on the site. As part of the proposal the Church will need to seek future development approval to demolish the St John Parish Hall which is heritage listed. The documents that will go on exhibition are draft planning controls that will guide the redevelopment of the site. Included for public exhibition is a Draft Planning agreement that will detail public benefits that the Church will be required to provide if they are able to secure approval to demolish the Church Hall. Benefits include public access to the church grounds which the Church has also agreed to upgrade, provision of vehicle and pedestrian access arrangement that will make moving around this part of the City easier and safer. Exhibition commences next week.   Council deferred consideration of whether it will write to the Department of Planning and Environment requesting reconsideration of the Parramatta CBD Planning Proposal for insufficient consideration of the GML Heritage Studies 2018 Report (Item 13.1).   Council did not support writing to the Department of Planning and Environment requesting consideration of the Parramatta CBD Planning Proposal with regard to funding gaps, flood studies and evacuation plans, and liveability and sustainability (Item 13.2).

Want to know more, visit the Council Meeting recording here.