Council considers proposal to lease existing My Place Youth Centre land

Have your say on a proposal to lease 5-7 Main Street, Pakenham to Anchor for a proposed integrated learning, employment and accommodation setting for young people.

Anchor, an organisation that provides homelessness support, out of home care and youth development services, has approached Council with a proposal to lease the Council-owned land as part of a funding application to the Department Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH) and Homes Victoria to construct the facility called a ’Youth Foyer’.

Youth Foyers are integrated learning and accommodation settings for young people, typically aged 16 to 24 years, who are at risk of or are experiencing homelessness.

The Youth Foyer model supports young people to engage with further education, life-skills training and employment opportunities to build and sustain independence and would address an identified gap in services and supports for young people locally.

Cardinia Shire is currently home to more than 16,000 young people aged 15 to 24, and this is expected to increase to more than 26,000 by 2041.

As part of the Youth Foyer model, 20 youth accommodation units would be built to provide secure housing to the participants while they engage with the program.

Youth workers would be on site 24 hours a day to provide support and facility management.

The Youth Foyer model has strict eligibility criteria to ensure that young people are ready and motivated to engage with the program.

The current My Place Youth Centre services, located at 5-7 Main Street in Pakenham, are set to be relocated to the new Cardinia Youth Hub on James Street in Pakenham that is currently under construction and is set to officially open its doors next year.

The proposed construction of the Youth Foyer would include the demolition of the existing building onsite.

The project is contingent on the applicant, Anchor, obtaining:

funding from the Department Families, Fairness and Housing DFFH (operational costs) funding from Homes Victoria through the Big Housing Build Youth Housing Capital Program (capital funding) lease of land from Cardinia Shire Council

No decision on the proposed project has been made by Council at this stage.

Council will take feedback into consideration before making a decision on the proposal, which is scheduled for consideration at the 20 June Council Meeting.

If the funding applications and the lease proposal are accepted, Anchor will proceed with its proposal on this site.

More information about the Youth Foyer model can be found at

Anchor and Cardinia Shire Council will host a community information session about the services and support Anchor is proposing to deliver to young people in our community.

The session will be delivered by online webinar from 7pm on Thursday 7 April 2022. Please register to attend online via the page or by calling 1300 787 624 before Wednesday 6 April 2022. 

Cardinia Shire Council’s commitment to increasing social and affordable housing is outlined in the Council Plan 2021-25, Municipal Strategic Statement, Liveability Plan 2018-2025, Social and Affordable Housing Strategy 2018-25, and endorsement of the Local Government Regional Social and Affordable Housing Charter.

To have your say, visit

The consultation closes on 25 April 2022.

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