You told us, we listened! Changes made to the proposed open-air fires local law

Amendments have been incorporated into proposed Local Law 20 – Open Air Fires Local Law as a direct result of the second round of community consultation last year.

The proposed local law details the regulations for open-air fires - commonly known as ‘burning off’ – outside of the declared fire danger period.

Specifically, the changes (from the earlier “proposed” Local Law) include:

a reduction on the minimum clearance distances from 25 to 12 metres removing the prohibition of open air fires on public holidays reducing the “no burn off months” to July only, and amended the mapping for greater clarity.

Cardinia Shire Council will continue its community engagement for the proposed open-air fires local law.

The proposed Open Air Fires Local Law aims to provide adequate provision for fuel reduction and fire prevention while discouraging unnecessary smoke health hazards.

Over the past two years, a comprehensive community engagement process has been undertaken to strike a balance between the varied views, while meeting Council’s obligations in relation to community safety, amenity and its commitment to address the impacts of climate change.

The community consultation periods in 2019 and 2021 provided an opportunity for residents to provide feedback, with a record number of submissions received during the 2021 statutory consultation period. The feedback received during the consultation periods directly helped shape Local Law 20.

As part of the proposed local law, the Shire will be divided into three zones with appropriate open-air fire regulations, rather than the previous rules where regulations were based on zoning and land size.

In the Urban and Township Zone, burning off is only allowed with a permit.

In the Bushland and Peri-Urban Zone and the Rural Zone, if criteria is met, a permit for burning off may not be required.

In addition, at its meeting on Monday 21 March, Council resolved to do further community engagement with a number of properties in the Holm Park Road, Beaconsfield area. The property owners will be contacted directly by Cardinia Shire Council. There is more information about this round of consultation available on Council’s website at

Council will review all feedback before deciding whether to make the local law. The Local Law 20 – Open Air Fires is expected to be put forward for Council’s consideration for adoption at the June Council Meeting.

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