Miss the Council Meeting on Monday night?  Here is a summary of the discussions (Date: 28 March 2022):

Council supported the proposal for a national referendum that formally recognises Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the Australian Constitution and the key principles of the ‘Uluru Statement from the Heart’ (Item 8.1).   Council approved the preparation of a high-level public toilet policy that sets out the rationale and criteria for Council’s investment into accessible public toilets (Item 8.2).   Council noted that the Royal Agricultural Society of NSW is celebrating their bicentenary in 2022 and that the Bicentenary Street Parade will be held on Saturday, 9 April 2022, commencing at 3:30am from Parramatta Park (Item 8.3).   Council was provided a response to their request from September 2020 to work with Transport for NSW to activate, regulate and create safe underpasses and agreed to continue to work with the State Government to activate underpasses within the Parramatta CBD (Item 12.1).   Council agreed to defer consideration of the Quarter Two Progress Report - Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2021/2022 and Quarterly Budget Review – December 2021 to the 26 April Council Meeting (Items 12.2, 12.3 and 13.5).   Council noted the changes made to Council’s website to assist community members making submissions on development applications and agreed to write to the Minister of Planning and Homes advocating for a change to how petitions and form letter submissions are counted for the purposes of assessing development applications (Item 13.1).   Council agreed to write to the Minister for Planning and Homes and the Minister for Environment and Heritage requesting an amendment to the current NSW planning and heritage legislation to provide powers to Councils to prevent the deterioration of locally listed heritage properties through owner neglect.  Council also nominated Wavertree to be included on the State Heritage Register and to seek an interim heritage order for the State Heritage Listing (Item 13.2).   Council approved the CBD Carparking Strategy (Item 13.3).   Council approved the draft Melrose Park South Site-Specific Development Control Plan for the purposes of public exhibition for a period of 28 days, following which a report will be provided to Council on the outcomes of the exhibition (Item 13.4).   Council agreed to advocate to the State Government for the future of the mixed-use site adjacent to Peninsula Park, Wentworth Point, and to Transport for NSW and Landcom for the commencement of the work to occur promptly.  Council also noted the concerns of the residents of Wentworth Point and supports the need for consultation with the residents before any decision on the development is made (Item 14.1).   Council agreed to develop a policy position in support for smoke-free and vape-free options for Parramatta Square (Item 14.2).   Council noted the Legal Status Report as at 28 February 2022 (Item 16.1).   Council accepted the offer for the sale of Epping Laneway to be incorporated into the adjoining development at 48-54 Beecroft Road and 52-54 Rawson Street, Epping and the proceeds of the land be allocated to road work associated with Epping Aquatic Centre in line with the Roads Act 1993 (Item 16.2).  

Want to know more, visit the Council Meeting recording here.