Public Notice of Amendment to Parramatta Development Control Plan (DCP) 2011 for Land at 8-14 Great Western Highway, Parramatta 

Notice is hereby given that the City of Parramatta Council endorsed a site-specific Development Control Plan (DCP) relating to the development of land at 8-14 Great Western Highway, Parramatta at its meeting on 11 April 2022.  The site specific DCP will be incorporated into Part 6 City Centre controls of the Parramatta DCP 2011.

The site-specific DCP provides detailed built form controls, relating to building setbacks, podium height, street wall design, heritage, access and parking and landscaping.  Council endorsed a minor amendment to the exhibited DCP prior to its finalisation relating to the wording of the relevant Australian Standard for driveway access.  The minutes and the report to Council can be viewed online here Agendas and Minutes: City of Parramatta (  (Refer to Item 13.4 in the Business Paper for Council’s Meeting of 11 April 2022.)

The site-specific DCP will come into effect on the date that the Parramatta CBD Planning Proposal is published on the NSW Legislation website and comes into force and be incorporated into Part 6 City Centre controls of the Parramatta DCP 2011. The Parramatta CBD Planning Proposal proposes to amend the controls on the site to permit a building on the site with a maximum height of RL 243 metres (including all bonuses) and floor space ratio of 15:1 including all bonuses with potential for additional commercial floor space not exceeding the height control.  

Council’s existing Parramatta DCP 2011 can be found on the Development Planning Controls page. 

For further information or queries, please contact Council’s Major Projects and Precincts team on 9806 5050 or at [email protected].