After more than 30 years, the City has handed the much-loved Yanchep Two Rocks Community Bus Service back to the community.

Since 1983, the community bus has been powered by enthusiastic volunteers who take locals to shopping centres, doctors’ appointments and social outings.

The Yanchep Two Rocks Community Bus Management Committee, which runs the bus service, will merge this month with the nearby Yanchep Two Rocks Community Recreation Association.

The City will enter into a five year agreement to provide support during the transition period.

Deputy Mayor Brett Treby thanked volunteers for providing a wonderful service for the community.

“The Yanchep Two Rocks Community Bus Service has been brilliant for our seniors and I know passengers enjoy both the practical support, as well as the fun social outings,” he said.

Committee Transport Coordinator and Treasurer Julie Otremba said the community bus helped improve the physical and emotional wellbeing of its passengers.

“It is not only a bus ride to the shops or doctors but a lifeline – it is a way to pass the time with friends made and share a ‘cuppa’ at the shops with,” she said.

“Our drivers also have an outlet once they have retired and feel they are making a positive impact and the passengers love the drivers.”

Ms Otremba said since 1989 the community bus has carried 167,451 passengers and travelled 747,287km.

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