Sorell Council Passes 2022 – 2023 Budget
Sorell Council 12 Jul 2022

Posted on 12 July 2022

Sorell Council approved the Annual Plan and Budget for the 2022 – 2023 financial year at a special meeting of Council in late June.

Council approved an overall rate rise of 4.5% in line with the Financial Management Strategy, Long Term Financial Plan and the Long Term Asset Management Plans, with a continued focus on ensuring the long-term sustainability of Council.

Council’s budget for 2022/2023 provides funding for essential services, maintenance of existing assets and new infrastructure growth. This budget commits substantial funds of $14.7 million for capital works projects including:

$4.9 million for road renewals (resealing, reconstruction & resheeting) and new/upgrades$260,000 for footpath renewals$1.4 million for stormwater infrastructure renewal and new/upgrades$460,000 for replacement of plant and equipment$1.4 million for walkways, parks and reserves renewals and new/upgrades$2 million for new building works and facilities$150,000 for IT infrastructure renewals and upgrades$775,000 for streetscape upgrades

In addition the annual budget provides support for the activities and events of our community groups and organisations through funding in Council’s Community Grants Program.

Mayor Kerry Vincent says developing this year’s budget has been as challenging as ever.

“Council has historically set rate increases at the minimum level necessary, and for the past five or so years this has been linked to our Long Term Financial Plan at 2.5%. This has been supported by receipt of extra Federal and State Government grant funding. Even with this extra grant funding, our community’s expectations for infrastructure growth continues to increase. Council must continue to work towards meeting these high expectations with sensible and sustainable rate rises.”

“Our rates comprise approx. 75% of our operating income. Each year when we set our rates Council needs to balance the need to fund our current services and maintain our existing infrastructure, along with the continual demand from our growing community for increased services and new infrastructure, plus the cost of depreciation of our current assets, all whilst trying to keep increases of rates and charges to a minimum.”

“Providing the services and infrastructure growth our growing community requires is reflected in this rate rise. CPI has risen considerably this year. We’ve all experienced the rising cost in living recently. Council is no different. Our operating costs have risen too. Our rate rise this year is a reflection of this.”

“Our community wants our level of service to remain the same, or increase. This comes at a cost. During our Community Conversations, Seniors Advisory Group meetings, Sorell Business Association liaison and community engagement sessions, our community have told us what is important to them and we’ve listened. This year’s budget prioritises road renewal works, stormwater infrastructure, walkways, parks and reserves and streetscaping works.”

 “Council continues to operate sensibly and strategically to ensure we remain sustainable for our community into the long term. We work hard to make our funds stretch to provide strategic infrastructure and services for our growing community.” Said Kerry.

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