Missed our community meeting on Tuesday night? Catch up on all the news via the recording – link below.
The meeting included presentations outlining plans for a new high-rise residential development at Swanson Street Belconnen, as well as a new aged care facility at 1 Bindel Street Aranda.
Other key points include:
– Funding for the new Umbagong Park bridges was confirmed in the pre-budget announcements last week. Plans have also been upgraded to include a new lookout and seat, changes to the balustrade height and the width of the bridges to allow for cyclists. New signage will be explored.
– Significant upgrades to Charnwood shops have also been funded, particularly outside Woolies.
– The DA finder app and DA website have been greatly enhanced. They now provide access to the past 5 years of development applications.
– A forward program of major playground upgrades planned for this term of government has been released. Within the Belconnen district there are Aranda and Kaleen.
– The Active Travel Plan has been released. A good proportion of improvements are in the Belconnen region.
– Florey Oval consultation should be opening soon. We will pass on that information when it is available.
– Peter Cain provided a link to the appearance by Glen Hyde and Matt Watts from Belcouncil to the ACT Government Inquiry into the West Belconnen Supercell Thunderstorm. Start at 33:30 of the following video: https://vimeo.com/725950289
Meeting recording:
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