History-making annual budget adopted by Council
Shire of Coolgardie 15 Jul 2022

Published on Friday, 15 July 2022 at 3:27:49 PM

The Shire of Coolgardie’s 2022/2023 Annual Budget is one for the history books.

In just one year, the Shire has almost doubled its operating revenue, from $13.8 million in 21/22 to $26.8 million in 22/23.

Furthermore, the Shire has turned around its operating surplus by just under $6 million in one year, from an operating deficit of $2.9 million in 21/22 to an operating surplus of $2.8 million in 22/23.

The significant increase in revenue in just 12 months is a testament to the strong collaborative relationships the Shire has built with industry partners, State Government and mining companies operating in the area, as well as three key projects which will provide long-term revenue generating opportunities – the Kambalda Workers Accommodation Village, the Coolgardie Class III Waste Facility, and the Kambalda Aerodrome Refurbishment.

“This is the most significant budget we have seen at the Shire of Coolgardie,” said Shire President, Malcolm Cullen.

“To our knowledge, this is the first time a local government has adopted a budget from one year to the next where its operating revenue has effectively doubled in one year. For a small Goldfields town, we’re pulling above our weight and achieving great economic outcomes.”

Cr Cullen said the increase in revenue enables the Shire to not only improve the level of services to the community but increase the level of expenditure on renewing and maintaining roads, footpaths, drainage, buildings, community services and programmes and community infrastructure.

Significant capital works are also planned for the coming financial year, such as the Road Renewal Program and the refurbishment of the Coolgardie Post Office which will include new Aboriginal Training Organisation facilities, a Cultural and Community Hub, and a micro-business shared office area.

Further highlights of the 2022/2023 Annual Budget include an ambitious estimated capital expenditure programme of $29.7 million. This includes, but is not limited to:

• Renewal Carins Road, Coolgardie North Road, Gnarlbine Road $1,500,000 • Kambalda Airport Runway Renewal including lighting and fencing $6,650,000 • EV Charging Station $100,000 • Completion of Coolgardie Cultural and Community Hub $640,000 • Coolgardie Cultural and Community Hub Fit Out $150,000

Operating highlights of the 2022/2023 Annual Budget include estimated expenditure of $10.5 million and will include:

• Kambalda Resource Centre, Swimming Pool and Recreation Centre operations and activities $1,866,000 • Coolgardie Resource Centre, Swimming Pool and Recreation Centre operations and activities $953,375 • Meals on Wheels programme $60,000 • Provision of Health Services $480,000 • Provision of mental health and wellbeing $100,000 • Maintenance aged care accommodation $127,000 • Provision of waste services $1,840,000 • Maintenance Parks, Gardens and Reserves $1,239,000 • Road, footpath, verge maintenance $2,160,000

For more information on the 2022/2023 Annual Budget, refer to the agenda and attachments from the 12 July 2022 Special Council Meeting on the Shire of Coolgardie website: www.coolgardie.wa.gov.au/council-meetings/

For media enquiries, please contact: Joy Charlton Communication and Media Officer P: 9080 2111 M: 0438 675 404 E: [email protected]

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