Harewoods Road and East Road Dog Exercise Area closed until further notice
The Shire of Capel is currently investigating possible contamination of the area known as the Harewoods Road Dog Exercise Area and East Road Dog Exercise Area.
Asbestos have been identified in the area which until further investigated, affects the Shire’s ability to properly maintain the reserves (i.e. slashing maintenance).
Preliminary independent testing shows that while the asbestos is not considered a risk to people or animals walking through the reserves; however the Shire is unable to use machinery to properly maintain the areas, as this may disturb the material, creating dust and possibly increasing risk.
Signage will be immediately erected at the Harewoods Road Reserve and East Road Reserve with this information. Community members are encouraged to use Sherwood Park (250 metres along Harewoods Road) for dog exercising.
We hope to resolve this issue prior to the summer period and will keep the community updated on when maintenance can resume and the areas again available.
We thank you for your patience while our investigations continue.
Further enquires can be sent to [email protected]
Gordon MacMile
Chief Executive Officer