In a win for local families and children, Wanneroo Council has awarded tenders for the provision of playground works in 23 local parks and open spaces across 15 suburbs.

The parks will soon receive a variety of upgrades, including new playground equipment, softfall areas and the installation of shade sail structures.

Reinvigorating parks and open spaces provides opportunities to foster and maintain an active lifestyle and a host of other benefits for local residents, especially the young families who make up over 40 per cent of households in the City of Wanneroo.

The tender for the works was advertised on 9 April 2022 and closed on 24 May 2022. Submissions were evaluated against a range of criteria including sustainability, access and inclusion, and demonstrated experience.

The contracts for the works have been awarded by tender to Active Discovery, Forpark, Miracle, Playmaster, Perth Playground & Rubber, and Perth Better Homes and Supreme Shade.

The City has budgeted $1.879 million for the project, with construction to take place over the next 12 months.

The parks scheduled to receive upgrades are:

Suburb Park name Scope of works Ashby

Carosa Park

Play equipment, softfall replacement and the installation of new shade sails

Banksia Grove

Burma Park

Softfall replacement and the installation of new shade sails

Discovery Park

Softfall replacement

Parakeelya Park

Play equipment, softfall replacement and the installation of new shade sails


Brampton Park

Play equipment, softfall replacement and the installation of new shade sails

Butler Community Centre

Play equipment and softfall replacement

Wilton Park

Softfall replacement Carramar

Carramar Community Centre

Play equipment and softfall replacement Clarkson

Sandow Park

Installation of shade sails Darch

Longford Park

Play equipment, softfall replacement and the installation of new shade sails

Keith Griffith Park

Softfall replacement and the installation of new shade sails


Hinckley Park

Installation of shade sails Koondoola

Butterworth Park

Softfall replacement Landsdale

Monticello Park

Synthetic turf and softfall replacement Madeley

Kingsway Sporting Complex

Installation of shade sails

Old Trafford Park

Installation of shade sails Merriwa

Addison Park

Play equipment, softfall replacement and the installation of new shade sails


Abbeville Park

Play equipment, softfall replacement and the installation of new shade sails


Provost Park

Play equipment, softfall replacement and the installation of new shade sails

Waldburg Park

Installation of shade sails Wanneroo

Nyunda Park

Softfall replacement

Wanneroo Showgrounds

Softfall replacement Yanchep

Parktree Park

Installation of shade sails
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