New Cardinia Shire events added for this year’s Biodiversity Blitz!

Biodiversity Month starts today and there’s still time to join in the citizen science fun by taking part in the 2022 Biodiversity Blitz!

Biodiversity Month is held in September each year and aims to promote the importance of protecting, conserving, and improving biodiversity both within Australia and across the world. 

This is the second year that Cardinia Shire Council has partnered with several of our neighbouring councils to hold the Biodiversity Blitz. 

Ways to participate: 

Biodiversity Blitz competition  The competition encourages residents to record local species throughout September using iNaturalist – a free app that helps you identify the plants and animals around you. 

There are prizes up for grabs for the top three ranking local participants with the most observations during the Blitz (registered to the Biodiversity Blitz 2022 – Cardinia Shire project in the iNaturalist App). Prizes will include books, a bee hotel, and a plant voucher. 

How to join: 

Download the free iNaturalist App   Join the Biodiversity Blitz 2022 - Cardinia Shire project   From Thursday 1 September start recording your observations. 

Please respect our plants and wildlife when taking photos. Spring is nesting season for many birds and flowering time for many orchids and herbs so try not to damage or disturb our plants or animals. If you see young birds on the ground, please leave them unless they are obviously injured. They are fledging the nest and learning to fly, and their parents will be close by. 

For more information visit RSPCA Victoria. If you come across injured wildlife, please contact Wildlife Victoria on ph. 8400 7300. 

Bush Walk at Beaconsfield Flora and Fauna Reserve 

Register now to attend the free bush walk through Beaconsfield Flora and Fauna Reserve happening from 2pm on Saturday 10 September, meeting at Beaconsfield Cricket Club carpark, 23-25 Beaconsfield-Emerald Rd, Beaconsfield. 

Registration to attend is essential: 

The bushwalk will be hosted by Cardinia Shire’s Environment and Heritage team in partnership with the Friends of Cardinia Creek. 

Participants will learn more about our local plants and animals and how they can upload photos to iNaturalist during biodiversity month. Remember to wear appropriate footwear, clothing and bring a smart phone. 

Another free online webinar: iNaturalist champions 

Following the success of the first online training webinar for using the smartphone App ‘iNaturalist’ in August, there is another free online information session from 7pm on 15 September 2022. 

Registration to attend is required:  

The webinar will introduce you to residents from Cardinia Shire and neighbouring councils who are using the iNaturalist app. They will share their experiences and tips, and make sure participants are getting the most out of their Biodiversity Blitz! 

More information 

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